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Help Laura Szklaryk
Donate 1% of your tax or make any other donation
My name is Laura. I was born with a congenital heart disease and circulatory insufficiency. When I was only one month old, I had a life-saving heart surgery. To continue treatment and rehabilitation, I need your help. By donating 1% of your tax or making any other donation, you support my treatment and help me live the way all other, healthy children do.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,
You can support Laura’s treatment by donating 1% of your income tax. You can do this simply by putting “Laura Szklaryk 240-639 KRS 0000303590” in your annual tax return (PIT). Or you can help us by making a donation to
Fundacja “Potrafię Pomóc”, ul. Cybulskiego 35h, 52-205 Wrocław
Account Number: 60 1140 2004 00003502 7501 0722
Account Title: “Darowizna dla Laury Szklaryk 240-639″
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Grzegorz and Sylwia Szklaryk